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Hire remote Flutter developers to schedule timely maintenance and management of your Flutter based applications.

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Bimal Gurung

React Native Xpert

Sahodar Dhungana

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Sujan Maharjan

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Node.js Xpert

Bimal Grg

React Native Xpert

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Hire Flutter Developers

First of all, let us understand what Flutter is.

There is a myth that Flutter is a Programming language. But, Flutter itself is not a programming language. According to the official website of Flutter.devFlutter is Google’s UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.” 

What it means in plain English is it’s a Toolkit, where you can code through DART programming language and the UI Toolkit shows what is happening on IOS, Web, Desktop, and all kinds of sizes. It is a buzzing keyword right now because all the separate work that you had to do for Mobile IOS, Mobile Android, Web, and Desktop can be done through this single toolkit. So, now you save a lot of time by hiring Flutter App Developers rather than app developers for IOS, App develops for Mobile, Web developers, and desktop app developers.

It is developed and maintained by Google alongside an ever-increasing community being Free and Open Source. Okay, now how powerful is it?

It has two of the most needed parts of any Mobile App Development toolkit. 

  1. A framework with a lot of widgets: This portion of the toolkit contains pre-built UI elements you will need in all apps such as Buttons, Sliders, and so on. This makes it so that the Line of Code always remains at the minimum side. 
  2. Software Development Kit: This portion of the toolkit helps in the actual development of the app and compile the code into native machine code for IOS and Android. 

Now, again the question is why Hire a Flutter Development company? 

Jotting out the major Points, it due to the following reasons: 

a. Saves you Time and Money

Let’s say you have an awesome idea for an eCommerce for Shoes. Then, there will be a lot of things that will be on your mind.

You will have to segregate your budget for Product Innovation, Marketing, Logistics, Acquisition, Sales, HR, and whatnot comes in as a cost. But, you have always known that investing in tech will give you long term results. 

So, you talk to your team and tell them, our App and website are a priority and we should invest a lot of resources into it. So, how much do you plan on investing? 

Let’s say you have a seed fund of $2,00,000 and you need to make an awesome website an app. Your customers are on IOS, Android, and web. 

So, let’s say you do not have an unlimited budget for tech.

Now, you also know that the website is going to be the priority to showcase what you are to first-time customers, and later you are going to focus on diverting them to the application. 

Let’s do some maths:

Cost of average Ecommerce Website: $10,000 – $30,000

Cost of an Android App: $20,000 – $50,000

Cost of an IOS App: $25,000 – $100,000

Now, if you add them up, on the lower scale, you will incur a cost of $45,000. And, on the higher side, you will incur $1,80,000. 

If you are looking at developing with Flutter, since it’s a cross-platform toolkit, you will be able to build all of these for around $10,000 – $30,000. 

That’s already a lot of costs saved for you. 

Here is another thing now. There will be a lot of discrepancies in terms of the UI/UX, functionalities, and communication whenever you are developing with different developers or teams. 

But, if you hire flutter app developers, you will see an amazing consistency in terms of UI/UX, Functionalities, and Communication. 

That is why Hybrid App development is being preferred by a lot of companies in 2020. 

Let’s look at the time of development now. Let’s say your awesome team decides to launch the app in 3 months, as if you don’t, your competitors will do that for you. 

Your Android app and Website development are seamless. It’s working out perfectly, everything is on deadline and there are no fires to extinguish. But, the core developer for IOS quit in the organization and now, you are going to be 20 days behind. 

Has something like this happened to you before? 

It does happen to the best of us. What I am trying to say is, the average time to develop an IOS app is around 400 hours compared to developing the Android app, IOS app, and a website in Flutter which is around 250 hours. 

It can be easily understood why Flutter is growing at this crazy speed. When you are releasing your product, a lot of it depends on how much resources you invest before going to marketing. So, simply flutter saves a lot of time and money, so you can focus on the most important part of any business, getting customers and retaining them.

b. Excellent Performance

Okay, let me go a little technical here. 

Flutter has excellent performance as it reduces a lot of time where there is no need to access OEM due to widgets. I.e When you develop apps using Flutter, it doesn’t use iOS and Android Platforms for much. Flutter uses the Skia Engine which is its own graphics engine reducing the communication between similar cross-platform Frameworks which use Frameworks Libraries SDK. 

In, plain English. It’s Fast. Superfast. And, today looking at data on eCommerce that every 1 second load time, the conversion decreases 20%. This is something very important Google, and the flutter community has worked on


Flutter App Development

Other Languages need to constantly communicate with the Android or iOS platform taking up a lot of time. 

Native App Development

Everything else is handled by pre-built widgets, and it is not resource hungry and will make sure your customers have an amazing experience. 

c. Hot Reload

We talked about 400 Hours + for iOS app development vs. 250 Hours for development using flutter. Hot Reload is one of the major reasons that the app development phase is massively shortened. 

Did you know that while developing apps, if you make any minor changes, you will have to reload the app again to see the changes in the UI and the app? Think about doing this day in and day out while developing the app and changing the interfaces. This is something that consumes a massive amount of time and is attributed to almost 20% of the whole development cycle. 

So, using hot reload, on the Hardware, Simulators, and Emulators, you can instantly view the changes that were applied after the code was changed. All this time, the application is always running in the background, and the developers can save a lot of time not having to restart the application. 

(Note: For significant changes, you will have to reload the application) 

d. Widgets 

You must be familiar with WordPress development or let’s say Chrome Extensions. Why has WordPress taken a significant share of web development? It’s easy access, and widgets for everything there is. In WordPress, you will find widgets for Calendars, Search bar, recent posts and so many more. It’s the same with Google Chrome. 

Widgets are blocks of implemented code that already carry out a function so you don’t have to code again. It’s the same with Flutter. The UI toolkit’s massive advantage is in its widgets which are growing in numbers with the growing community. 

There are different kinds of widgets in Flutter. 

  • Visual Widgets like a color scheme or padding which can be used in Blanket all over the app. 
  • Structural widgets like a button or menu
  • Interactive widgets which help you carry out different type of interactions with the app
  •  Platform widgets that can be used for more development-oriented tasks 

Now, what can a developer do is If they need speed, they can just combine certain widgets and build the whole app. It’s that easy. 

But, since there will always be a lot of customizations and personalization, developers use widgets whenever they can so they don’t have to write all these blocks of code shortening the development process. 

That’s about it. In conclusion, Hiring Flutter Developers over (Android Developers for Android, iOS developers for iOS, and web Developers for website) saves you a lot of trouble. It’s the combination of all these different aspects due to which Flutter is regarded as one of the most innovative technologies to have come out in recent years. 

This is changing the whole advent of development and maybe someday anyone can go out, drag and drop and start building their apps without any technical know-how. Till then, the best we have is Flutter.